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Aromatherapy/Essential Oil/Perfume Empty Bottle

Aromatherapy/Essential Oil/Perfume Empty Bottle
Asking price: €15
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Aromatherapy/Essential Oil/Perfume Empty Bottle


Arab Style Perfume Bottle

Condition: New
Item Type: Refillable Bottle
Material: Alloy, Glass Bottle, Artificial Multicolor Stones
Height:8.6cm (approx)
Base diameter: 3.3cm (approx)
Max Dia:4.2cm (approx)
Weight:78g (approx)
Color: brown

This antique looking refillable bottle is compact and portable, easy to carry and store and very convenient to use.

The carved wine bottle design makes the perfume bottle look very elegant. It will add an eye-catching decor to your bathroom, dressing table, mirror tray display, bookshelf, etc.

The top of this bottle cap has a large crystal for a smooth and comfortable grip.

It is perfect for storing your favorite perfumes, essential oils and cosmetics.

It’s not a spray bottle but has a dabber for application in storing and collecting perfume, lotion, toner, essential oil, holy water,etc.

A lovely crystal trinket bottle, perfect for collecting art glass, and as a keepsake or gift for Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, Christmas, Birthday or any other occasions.

Price is €15
+ postage (if paypal + fee)

Shipping: CollectionTo be arranged
Payment: Cash
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Comments & Offers
Mamofgirls 8 months ago
SVN 8 months ago
@Mamofgirls: Thank you for your offer but it is too low. The price is €20 as it's indicated in my ad.
tereasa Haddock 8 months ago
SVN 8 months ago
@tereasa Haddock: €15 OFFER ACCEPTED
SVN 7 months ago
@tereasa Haddock:

Do you remember you made me an offer on January 21?
Today is February 21st.
A month have passed.
You was online but did't answer me in PM.
If you don't want my item then just say so.
You are a time waster.

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