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Camper Burstner Active on LHD Fiat Decato 2.8 Dti

Camper Burstner Active on LHD Fiat Decato 2.8 Dti
Asking price: €23,000
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donedealuser (#8559d)
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3 years ago
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Camper Burstner Active on LHD Fiat Decato 2.8 Dti


5 berth (6 with 3 children on huge top bunk) Burstner Active Motorhome on 1999 Fiat Decato 2.8 Dti

Our very well maintained camper is for sale due to my no longer flying out of Shannon thanks to the C word. I lived in her while working.

Everything works except the hot air/water Truma C heater.

Included is the Vango AirbeamTall Supera drive away awning with separate bedroom and living area. New equivalent is the Galli III air tall worth €1100 new.

Fresh NCT/DOE completed this last week.

Tyres new last year in France.

Shipping: Collection
Payment: Cash
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