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BMW 3 Series 2017
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BMW 3 Series 2017

BMW 3 Series 2017


3 Series
108,780 kms / 67,592 miles

JUST ARRIVED!! This BMW 330E M-SPORT 2.0 PETROL HYBRID PHEV.... In stunning condition inside and out.. A fantastic car to drive.. It comes with a huge spec including..

Call ANDREW RYAN for more info on Ph 0851259422 or email [email protected]

- Full Leather Seats
- Parking Sensors
- Cruise Control
- Media Screen
- Air Con
- Bluetooth
- Multi Function Steering Wheel

***NCT 07/25***TAX €170 PER YEAR***

Here at Evra Motors we have a friendly knowledgeable sales team with over 20 years experience in the business.

We are proud to be an AA Approved dealer with peace of mind as standard.

We aim to stock a wide range of over 300 carefully selected premium AA Approved used cars all sourced directly from main dealerships here in Ireland. We aim to supply all our cars at the most competitive prices in the country.

Extended warranty available on certain makes and models. Delivery can be arranged throughout the country.

Each of our retail cars comes with a detailed history report and fully serviced or health checked by our in house service team of mechanics, a valid NCT will be provided and every car will be valeted prior to collection.

Tailored finance packages available.

We are open 6 days a week. For more information on our cars please contact ANDREW RYAN on Ph 0851259422 or email [email protected]

Due to a high turnover in stock we recommend that you contact our sales team to make sure the car is still available and to make an appointment.

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From sellers around the web:
Motokov Complex, Long Mile Road, Dublin 12, Dublin

We source a wide range of quality used commercials, 4x4s and cars.

Opening hours

Monday: 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 14:00
Sunday: closed

Tips on choosing a car

  • Always check the car's service history
  • Ask to see the log book / registration cert
  • Has it ever been in a crash