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Mazda 6 2021
Viewing 1 of 24
Mazda 6 2021

Mazda 6 2021


86,300 kms / 53,624 miles
2L Petrol

Reference - 211D30231


All our cars are provided with a warranty (with Manufacturers or our own), HPI clearance, are professionally valeted & detailed. We pride ourselves on customer service and our cars are prepared to the highest standards. Major credit & debit cards accepted. Telephone holding deposits welcome.


Please call, email or visit us on the Navan Road for a tailored finance quotation. 

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From sellers around the web:
Msl Park Motors, Cabra Cross, Navan Road, Dublin 7, Dublin

At MSL Mazda Park Motors we are confident that within our wide range of quality used car stock we have the perfect car to meet your needs. Our used cars are prepared to the highest standards and all come with a warranty for your peace of mind.   We have a range of Mazda 2, Mazda 3, Mazda 6, CX-3, CX-5 and MX 5 models in stock as well as many more for you to choose from.   Contact us today and start the journey to your own Mazda from MSL Park Motors Mazda.

Opening hours

Monday: 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 16:00
Sunday: closed

Tips on choosing a car

  • Always check the car's service history
  • Ask to see the log book / registration cert
  • Has it ever been in a crash