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BMW 530d M-Sport sunroof, low miles
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BMW 530d M-Sport sunroof, low miles

BMW 530d M-Sport sunroof, low miles


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149,965 kms / 93,183 miles
3L Diesel


530d Factory M-Sport for sale

Good points
Sunroof model

149,965 miles

Tested until 02-25, flew test in January 2024 was complimented by the test centre on how clean the car was, has only done 855 miles since then. Will fly test again no problem.

I’m the 3rd owner of the car additional owners were to clear tax. Original owner in Dublin owned the car for 16/17 years. No expense spared on this car throughout its life.

BMW service history up until 127,000 miles all stamped

2 keys.

Work carried out on the car in the last 2 years including
Gearbox service
New steering rack
Power steering pump
Rear Hub bushings
2 front control arms
Glow plugs
Glow plug control unit
Intake manifold seals
brake fluid change
Fuel pump
New battery

Car has been given everything it’s needed, I have receipts for thousands of euros spent on it

Just fully valeted inside and out

Aircon is ice cold

6 year Ceramic coat applied about 12 months.

All electrics work as they should

19” genuine BMW spiders with kumho’s all round

Completely unmolested example, all that has been done is a few LED’s to modernise it you can take them out if you prefer

Not usual lowered rubbish, completely original.

Probably a few bits Iv left out, genuine car. Surely one of the best examples on the road

Bad points

Car has had a couple of panels sprayed by original owner (not crashed) while they aren’t terrible they could do with a wet sand and polish as there is slight orange peel. Can’t notice unless you’re extremely fussy.

Few stone chips on the bonnet

Few minor scraps/scuffs in spots

Aside from that the car is extremely clean.

Just gone around by a PDR specialist there isn’t a dent in the car

I would keep it as it’s a lovely car to drive pulls like a train, only selling to fund house

Text only due to working night shift so I sleep during the day. Calls won’t be answered during the day

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