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Skoda Fabia 2008
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Skoda Fabia 2008

Skoda Fabia 2008


104,000 kms / 64,622 miles
1.2L Petrol

*"2008 Fabia In Sun-Faded Orange!"

*"Recently NCT'd Til March 24,Tax Out"

*"Recently Serviced Including New Brakes
Allround,Full New Exhaust&Catalyst,
T/Chain&W/Pump In Great Nick,Car
Also Has A Brand New Battery"

*"Usual MPi Spec Inc.E/W,E/M,Remote
C/L,PAS,ABS,CD Player,Aux Port,Front
Fogs,Airbags Etc"

*"Car Has A Few Scratches&Dents,Paint Is
Faded On Bonnet&Roof(In The Photos)"

Economical Runabout Which Will Sail
Through May More NCT's"

*"€1750......046 9072828"

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