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Skoda Fabia 2025
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Skoda Fabia 2025

Skoda Fabia 2025


1L Petrol

** FINANCE AVAILABLE ** Please call our sales team on 091-751919 for a quote or more details.

All our Skoda/SEAT/ CUPRA Approved Used Cars come with a 2 Year UNLIMITED MILEAGE Approved warranty as standard.

Check out our full range of used cars on!

Pricing is based on the entry-level model and may not correspond to the features or appearance of the vehicle depicted, which is for illustrative purposes only.

This car will come fully serviced by our award winning workshop, fully valeted & with a comprehensive warranty.

Monaghans Galway is a family business, established in 1955. We pride ourselves on customer service and endeavour to provide the best experience possible. Our high Google review score of 4.8 stars is testament to this.

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From sellers around the web:
Tuam Road, Galway

Welcome to Monaghan & Sons Ltd. Your choice for new Skoda, new SEAT or quality used cars in Galway. At our premises on the Tuam Road we offer the full range of Skoda & SEAT new cars, over 120 used cars for sale and a fully equipped car service department. A family run business, serving the West of Ireland for over 20 years, we provide competitive motor finance, a fully stocked Skoda & SEAT parts department and body repair facility. We can cater for all your motoring needs and relish the opportunity to help with your enquiry.

Opening hours

Monday: 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: closed

Tips on choosing a car

  • Always check the car's service history
  • Ask to see the log book / registration cert
  • Has it ever been in a crash