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Skoda Superb 2019
Viewing 1 of 14
Skoda Superb 2019

Skoda Superb 2019


136,400 kms / 84,755 miles
2L Diesel
Until Jun 2025

Low Mileage
History Checked
6 Speed Vehicle
Touch Screen Media Player
Automatic Handbrake
Auto Stop/Start
Auto Hold
Parking Sensors
Reversing Camera
Fully Serviced
Voice Command
Navigation System
Traffic Assistance
Day Time Running Lights
Fully Leather Interior
Electric Seat Adjustment
Central Locking
Electric Windows
Very Large Boot
Stunning 18 Alloys
NCT until June 2025

Three Decades, One Promise Trust and Reliability. Mulvihill Motors Driving Excellence through a Family Run Independent dealership Air Conditioning, Central Locking, Electric Windows, Airbag, Fog Lamps, Centre Armrest, Multi-function steering wheel, Roof Rails, Satellite Navigation, Traction Control, Metallic Paint, Parking Sensors, 3 Month Warranty, Bluetooth, EBD, Isofix, History Checked, Active Safety Braking / City Brake / Collision Alert, Stop/Start Button, Touch Screen Media Control, External Devices Connectivity, Cup holders, Remote boot/hatch/rear door release, Stability control

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Opening hours

Monday: 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday: closed
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Tips on choosing a car

  • Always check the car's service history
  • Ask to see the log book / registration cert
  • Has it ever been in a crash