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1998 Toyota Corolla
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1998 Toyota Corolla

1998 Toyota Corolla


348,422 kms / 216,500 miles
1.3L Petrol
Until Jun 2025
Until Aug 2024

Toyota Corolla 1998 1332cc 4EFE Petrol with 5 speed manual gearbox.

NCT valid until 10th June 2025

5 door liftback in Dark blue/purple, last of the Japanese built liftbacks. Original Irish car from new.

Running perfectly. New LUK clutch kit just fitted. Ultra reliable vehicle which flies NCT yearly. Always well maintained, timing belt kit last done at 180k miles.

All new tyres fitted and just after a full service including oil and filter, air and pollen filter, spark plugs and fan belts. New wipers also. New brakes last couple of years.

Family owned the last 15 years.

Power Steering.
Original Toyota moulded mud flaps
E10/E11 Steel wheels and genuine centre caps.

Original Toyota Cassette and CD player Combi Player unit fitted.
Black Honeycomb Clocks.
Front electric windows.
Electric mirrors.
Front fog lights with stalk.
Colour coded upper and lower tailgate spoilers.
Chrome grill.
Towbar and 7 pin Electrical socket connection.
Upgraded interior.

2 Keys
Remote central locking with original Toyota 2 button key fob.

Original Toyota Corolla Owners Manuals and handbooks.

Taxed until August 2024

Annual Motor Tax rate: 385 Euro

Mileage 217,500 miles.

Few marks and fading, small surface rust spots, bit of lacquer peel on front drivers wing but generally a clean car overall for a car going on 27 yrs old don't expect anything mint, straight car, solid underneath too never had any corrosion issues or welding needed for an NCT etc.

Absolutely everything works on this car. Even has a good spare wheel and original Toyota jack kit.

In everyday use so mileage will increase slightly.

Reluctant sale. Genuine interest only please. No more last price calls. €1100

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Comments & Offers
As rare as Hens Teeth 7 months ago
@BALLYBURKE: Would need a bit more, but appreciate the offer.
Towawaytoday 6 months ago
950 offered Will pay cash and collect Saturday. Genuine buyer.
As rare as Hens Teeth 6 months ago
@Towawaytoday: Would need a bit closer to the asking price, but thanks.
As rare as Hens Teeth 3 months ago
@If Watchers Were Buyers: Appreciate your offer. Would need a bit more as it's tested for a year and taxed till August, comes with a new clutch kit fitted, new tyres and after a service. Trouble free cheap motoring.