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2007 Golf Gti
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2007 Golf Gti

2007 Golf Gti


213,000 kms / 132,352 miles
2L Petrol
Until Mar 2025
Until Nov 2024

***Mk5 Gti Tornado Red ***
For sale is my Mk5 Gti, mechanically this car is perfect. Serviced 191k kilometers, oil and filter, pick up pipe, spark plugs and cam follower. Replaced the N80 valve and charcoal canister at 193k km.
Second oil change under my ownership at 203k Kms. Oil and filter.

Mileage currently at 213XXXkms.

Carried out carbon clean on inlet valves and replaced the thermostat while in there at 196k km and replaced the A/C Pressure sensor and carried out A/C regas so air con working fine and stone Cold
Replaced charcoal canister at 193kms, two front door locks replaced in Jan 2024. Replaced rear pads and discs, handbrake cables and Driver's side rear brake caliper in march 2024 at 207kms. Two front door speakers were replaced in April 2024 and DSF window reg replaced in June 2024.

Upgraded head unit, with apple car play and android auto works great(original there). The car has the optional winter pack that includes,
Front heated tartan seats (Rare) Headlight washers also working. Drivers bolster just repaired looking great see pictures.

NCT till July 25 passed with no advisories.

17inch Monzas( just refurbished) all good tyres 70-80% left, replaced for last NCT along with two front shocks and drop links in 2023.

Lowered 30mm on brand new H&R springs, also fitted a RamAir induction kit that sounds nice.

Bodywork, is now mint, had the dreaded lacquer peel, has been painted, front bumper, bonnet, driver's A pillar, roof, spoiler and rear bumper. Looks mint

Carbon look mirror caps (originals there) with dynamic indicators (originals there)

Anything this car ever needed it got.

The car does require an injector for cylinder 4. Will either have this sorted before sale or will adjust the price accordingly if face to face with me. INJECTOR HAS BEEN REPLACED WITH A GENUINE PART. €260+ LABOUR

No money or insurance no test drive.

The overall car is in good condition and the engine and gearbox are 100%.

Will swap for an estate A4 08 onwards only.
Something I like has come up, so if not sold in time I've no problem keeping,

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