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Fujifilm Digital Camera E510 & Printer

Fujifilm  Digital Camera E510 & Printer
Asking price: €250
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Al G
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9 years ago
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Fujifilm Digital Camera E510 & Printer


FUJIFILM E510 digital camera for sale. Comes with x2 AA rechargeable batteries and memory card. 5.2 mega pixels. Opening flash. Zoom lens. Settings include landscape, night, sport.... Can record video. AVG output. Usb connection. Can be charged with a 3volt power charger. Stand connection point. Perfect condition. Also have a mini portable printer to accompany the camera. Only ever used about 3 times. The package would make a fab Xmas present. Will sell the lot for €250. My boyfriend paid €600 for the lot a few yeras ago. Can meet anywhere between Mullingar and Maynooth or between Maynooth, Blanchardstown and Santry. Check out my other ads!

Shipping: Collection
Payment: Cash
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