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Pine farmhouse table with six beech chairs

Pine farmhouse table with six beech chairs
Asking price: €100
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3 weeks ago
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Pine farmhouse table with six beech chairs


This is a 6ft by 3ft solid pine table, recently refurbished. Comes with one beech carver and five beech chairs. Final reduction to €100. Collection only.

Shipping: CollectionTo be arranged
Payment: To be arranged
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Comments & Offers
Davidm125 2 weeks ago
Would you consider selling chairs separately?
If so, how much?
aineg24 2 weeks ago
@Davidm125 Hi David, we would be willing to sell the chairs together as a package €25 each. You can have the six for €125 as one of the chairs had been repaired with screws
Neilmcgrath086 2 weeks ago
And will collect,thanks
aineg24 2 weeks ago
@Neilmcgrath086 sorry minimum would be €200
Davidm125 6 days ago
Tks for the information, can i request more pictures? It is difficult to view the colour?
Is there a dark varnish on the chairs or light pine effect?
aineg24 5 days ago
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