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Retro Tech by The Nostalgia Nerd Vintage Computers Hardback 2018

Retro Tech by The Nostalgia Nerd Vintage Computers Hardback 2018
Asking price: €15
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Retro Tech by The Nostalgia Nerd Vintage Computers Hardback 2018


Remember what a wild frontier the early days of home gaming were? Manufacturers releasing new consoles at a breakneck pace; developers creating games that kept us up all night, then going bankrupt the next day; and what self-respecting kid didn't beg their parents for an Atari or a Nintendo? This explosion of computers, consoles, and games was genuinely unlike anything the tech world has seen before or since.

This thoroughly researched and geeky trip down memory lane pulls together the most entertaining stories from this dynamic era, and brings you the classic tech that should never be forgotten.

If it is convenient for me and you would like to collect then I will set up a handover meeting. I do not travel outside Ballymun under any circumstances. I will give clear location instructions for pick up in PM if offer is accepted. Offers below my asking price will be ignored.

No Swaps.
No Haggling (On site or at meeting place).
No Combined Offers, Deals or Discounts.
Payment by Cash or Revolut.

Post Extra.

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Shipping: CollectionPost/Courier
Payment: CashPaypalBank transfer
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