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Isopropyl Alcohol 30 ML

Isopropyl Alcohol 30 ML
Asking price: €5
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Isopropyl Alcohol 30 ML


sopropyl Alcohol 30 ML

Postage is 5 EUR

Isopropanol 99.9%, used widely as a solvent and as a cleaning fluid. Cleans electronic devices such as contact pins, magnetic tape and disk heads such as lenses of lasers in optical disc drives. Isopropyl alcohol removes smudges, dirt, and fingerprints from phones and tablets. It is effective at removing residual glue from some sticky labels, glass cleaning and much more.

Uses for Isopropyl Alcohol 99.9%

Isopropyl alcohol is registered as an adjuvant, used to facilitate pesticide applications in agricultural settings, and as an adjuvant in industrial water washer, cooler, and condenser systems.

• A general cleaner - excellent for cleaning glass & lenses. Can be used to clean virtually any surface. Removes light grease, oils, dirt, food stains etc. Evaporates quickly and leaves surface squeaky clean.

• A specialist automotive cleaner, for wiping down waxed and painted panels, plus many more applications!

• A specialist cleaner for computer equipment, electronic devices, contact pins, lenses of lasers in optical disc drives (DVD,CD, Blu-Ray), removes thermal paste of CPUs. Cleans printer heads including Thermal Transfer.

• An Anti-Foamer and Foam Inhibitor.

• Can be used as a Deodoriser for spraying into shoes to eliminate odours.

• Used to make Rinse agents for Dishwashers.

• A solvent for diluting lacquers, PVC adhesives, dyes and printing inks.

• A graffiti remover for removing inks, markers, lipstick etc.

• A De-Icer for locks and windscreens.

• Add to Windscreen washer reservoir for a spotless windscreen every time.

• Antifreeze.

• A fuel additive for dissolving water or ice in fuel lines.

Shipping: CollectionPost/Courier
Payment: CashPaypal
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