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Vertyanov Computer Multicontroller Programmer Tester ENE / ITE / MEC / NUVOTON / EDID / KB tester

Vertyanov Computer Multicontroller Programmer Tester ENE / ITE / MEC / NUVOTON / EDID / KB tester
Asking price: €115
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Vertyanov Computer Multicontroller Programmer Tester ENE / ITE / MEC / NUVOTON / EDID / KB tester


NEW 3.2 board version !!

Absolute necessary equipment for todays computer repairs, in particular if you have bricked laptop with bad bios update. This is an original and genuine equipment, not fake copies that sold on ebay and will be blocked after few times of use.

1 Program the NPCE288N / NPCE388N via the keyboard connector and on the external adapter.
2 Program KB9010 / 9012/9016/9022/9028/902
3 Program EEPROM LCD panels (EDID matrixes).
4 Programming available IT8386E - 192KB IT8580 / 8585/8586/8587/8985 / 8987- at 128KB. Other ITEs were simply not checked.
5 Programming available MEC1609 / 1619 / 1633L / 5075/5085 others were not checked by me.
6 Optionally can check in offline mode keyboard for laptops with a pitch of 1mm / 05mm / 08mm.
(audible alarm of button presses and errors (buzzer).)
7 It is possible to test keyboards through the shell on a PC
8 EC from the company Explore EPF011 / 021/035/036/037 using the interface module
Two ways of programming multi-controller NUVOTON (NPCE288N / NPCE388N) - directly on the laptop's MB over a loop and on an external adapter.
Reading time on the loop 70 seconds. The erase + write time is about 20 seconds.
Programming ITE multicontrollers (IT8585E, IT8586E, etc.) occurs through the keyboard connector without soldering.
Record - from 100 to 200 seconds. Reading up to 20s. Increased speed compared to the second version.
The programming of the ENE multicontroller (KB9010 / 9012/9016/9022) occurs through the keyboard connector without soldering - now automatically!
Read about 10 seconds. Record with verification no more than 20 seconds.
To work, you need to have two USB B cords - square like on printers, scanners, etc.
One cable to connect to a PC, and the other to connect the ground (mass) of the programmer and the laptop board.
The shell works on all OS Windows XP / 7/8 / 8.1 / 10 bit 32/64 bits.
We have no activations. Buy the programmer and download in the free access all the necessary software.
Free support on famous forums.

NUVOTON EC (NPCE288N / NPCE388N) EC ways of programming the memory adapter directly.
Reading Time Loop 70 seconds. Time erase + write about 20 sec.
Firmware ITE EC (IT8585E, IT8586E etc.) is through the keyboard connector without soldering.
Recording - from 100 to 200 seconds. Reading to 20 sec. Increased speed in comparison with the previous version.
Firmware EC ENE (KB9010 / 9012/9016/9022) is now automatically!
Reading about 10 seconds. Recording with verification of no more than 20 seconds.
B - square as USB printers, scanners, etc ..
One cable for connecting to the PC.
Shell works on all OS Windows XP / 7/8 / 8.1 / 10-bit word length 32/64.
We do not have any activations. Buy a programmer and upload freely available all the necessary software.
Free support on certain forums.

Shipping: CollectionPost/Courier
Payment: CashBank transfer
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