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Tradescantia Rhoeo Spathacea / Moses In The Cradle Plant

Tradescantia Rhoeo Spathacea / Moses In The Cradle Plant
Asking price: €7
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Tradescantia Rhoeo Spathacea / Moses In The Cradle Plant


Condition: New

Two purple heart plants in plastic pot.
Trailing Tradescantia Rhoeo Spathacea main attraction is the duo toned leaves. Full green leaves are backed deep purple if plant exposed to direct sun, they are a sensational colour, best colour is achieved in bright sunlight and a dry, cramped root zone. It is excellent in the containers or hanging baskets as trailing. This houseplant loves humidity and thrives in tropic and full sunlight conditions. It is cultivated as ornamental plants in many countries. The small white flowers that bloom within the purple bracts shaped like a boat are located between the base of the leaves give the plant its name. Moses in the cradle is poisonous. Very easy to look after as low levels of care needed - it does not require regular watering once it gets established. This plant is mainly grown for its foliage, the leaves of the plant are sword shaped and grow about 30 to 40 cm in height and about 3 to 4 inches wide. Pet and smoke free home. Have more similar items listed.
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