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Catio / Cattery

Catio / Cattery
Asking price: €1
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Catio / Cattery


We build and install custom Catios designed specifically for your outdoor space and, of course, your cats. We build the wire mesh and roof panels off site and deliver and install at your premises, all over Ireland. Can be a stand alone Catio (see photos) with a tunnel linking it to the house, or it can be built to attach directly to the house. Catios provide your cats with fresh air and stimulation and give you peace of mind. They are also a perfect spot to keep the kitty litter. Please call for a quote, or visit our website for more information - - competitive pricing that varies according to size. We are a family run business, in Milltown Galway, and service all over Ireland.

Shipping: Collection
Payment: Cash
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Comments & Offers
cmachados 7 months ago
Do you do cat protected fence?
MoniqueA 6 months ago
@cmachados: sorry for missing your email. No we don't do cat fencing, just the Catios.
User1111 6 months ago
Do you service Wicklow? Thanks
MoniqueA 6 months ago
@User1111: Hi there, yes we do. We recently built and installed a Catio in Enniskerry.
monksf 5 months ago
Rachel_66 2 months ago
Hi how much for a large catio?
MoniqueA 2 months ago
@Rachel_66: Hi Rachel, it depends on how large. To build and install we charge €70 a square meter of mesh panelling and roof.

For example: A Catio measuring 2m wide, by 2m long and a height of 2.4m. Attached to a house, so only needing 3 mesh panelled walls with polycarbonate waterproof roof, a door and shelving/resting spots scattered throughout. Each wall is 2m x 2.4(h) which equals 4.8 square meters. that is 14.4 square meters in total for the three walls. The roof is 2m x 2m, so 4 square meters. So the Catio measures 18.4 square meters in total. Multiplied by €70 this comes to €1288.

Depending on how far you are from Milltown, Galway, there may be a travel charge. Let me know if you have any questions.
Monique - Custom Catios

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