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Premium Panoramic Shed 9.5ft x 8ft

Premium Panoramic Shed 9.5ft x 8ft
Asking price: €1,100
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Premium Panoramic Shed 9.5ft x 8ft


Condition: New

The Premium Panoramic shed is 9.5ft wide and 8ft deep. It has a window on the top of each side of the shed, giving a near 360-degree view of your surroundings. It's made with 0.4mm thick steel panels which are galvanised, so it's not only one of our most beautiful sheds, it's the thickest shed outside of the heavy-duty range!

From €999

Order yours here:

1mm Galvanised Steel Tube Frame
0.4mm thick galvanised roof and wall panels
0.6mm coating sheet on flat door
2.0mm thick solid polycarbonate sheets in 4 sides
Flat roof with 2 piece rain gutters in the back
Supporting roof beams
Double hinged flat door (key-lockable!)
304 stainless steel screws
Built-in Door Tool Hooks

290cm / 9 5″ft Wide (Externally)
245cm / 8ft Deep (Externally)
226cm / 7ft 4″ High (Externally)
Door Height: 187cm / 6ft 1″
Door Opening Width (Double Doors): 156cm / 5ft 11″
Metal Sheds are sold to the nearest foot and in rare instances, in rare instances, they may differ +/-10%*
Measurements are taken outside at the widest points

Comment below or call us on 018644247 for any questions.

Shipping: To be arranged
Payment: CashTo be arranged
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