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Steel Bike Storage

Steel Bike Storage
Asking price: €389
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Steel Bike Storage


Condition: New

If you’re fed up with mucky halls and handlebar scrapes on the walls, you should think about some Outdoor Bike Storage. The Sheds Direct Ireland Bike Store is perfect. It’s designed to fit into a small area, so it’s ideal for apartments, townhouses, or anywhere storage space is limited, and can store up to 3 bikes.

It comes with three tyre tracks, so you can safely store three bikes on the rails. You can also remove the rails if you want to store other stuff too.

The Bike Storage Materials & Dimensions:
0.3mm Hot-Dip Coated Sheeting
1.0mm Galvanised Steel Frame
0.6mm Door Thickness
148cm (Width)
204cm (Depth)
163cm (Height Back)
145cm (Height Front)
*Metal Sheds are sold to the nearest foot and may differ plus or minus 10%*
The Bike Storage features:

Three front-tyre tracks (removable if required)
Key-Lockable Doors
Gutters with outlet spout
Vented for air flow
Braced doors
Colour: Goose Grey

You can call us on 01 8644 247 or message us here for any questions.
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Shipping: CollectionTo be arranged
Payment: CashTo be arranged
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