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  • CNP Loaded EAA & Efectiv Whey Protein Stack - Low Market Pricing Incl. Shipping

    3 Please leave a comment or private message on flavour of interest to check availability before purchase: Loaded EAA: Big Juicy Melons Grape Gazillions Strawberry Laces (Original Black Packaging) Cherry Cola Bottles (Original Black Packaging) 30 Servings Efectiv Whey: Choco Bueno Chocolate Orange Strawberry Creme Vanilla Cheesecake 67 Servings ____________________________________ Normal pricing separately here 80 Stack pricing 68 ____________________________________ Pricing includes 1 - 2 days free shipping throughout the Republic of Ireland with full tracking provided. As shipping is included in all products available through adverts, multiple products can be purchased and shipped all together under one shipping cost. *Please note, products are available only for direct shipping. 10+ years of supplementation experience & knowledge, any questions on this product or others? Don't hesitate to ask by leaving a comment below or sending a private message.

    1 year ago 5 comments
  • CNP Pre, Intra & Post Workout Stack - Low Market Pricing Incl. Shipping

    3 Please leave a comment or private message on flavour of interest to check availability before purchase: Full Tilt Pre Workout: BubbleGuns (Kiwi, Raspberry & Lemon) Sour Saucers (Lemon Rainbow Sherbet) Razz Riptide (Blue Raspberry) Isolate: Chocolate Cereal Milk Salted Caramel Loaded EAA: Big Juicy Melons Grape Gazillions Strawberry Laces (Original Black Packaging) Cherry Cola Bottles (Original Black Packaging) All 30 Servings ____________________________________ Normal pricing separately here 84 Stack pricing 65 ____________________________________ Pricing includes 1 - 2 days free shipping throughout the Republic of Ireland with full tracking provided. As shipping is included in all products available through adverts, multiple products can be purchased and shipped all together under one shipping cost. *Please note, products are available only for direct shipping. 10+ years of supplementation experience & knowledge, any questions on this product or others? Don't hesitate to ask by leaving a comment below or sending a private message. ____________________________________

    1 year ago 4 comments
  • Strom Sports Nutrition VelosiWhey - Premium Product - Low Pricing Incl. Shipping

    3 Please leave a comment or private message on flavour of interest to check availability before purchase: Chocolate Sponge Cake (Older Label) Caramel White Chocolate (Older Label) Mint Chocolate Chip (Chocolate Mint) (Older Label) 40 Servings ____________________________________ Pricing includes 1 - 2 days free shipping throughout the Republic of Ireland with full tracking provided. As shipping is included in all products available through adverts, multiple products can be purchased and shipped all together under one shipping cost. *Please note, products are available only for direct shipping. 10+ years of supplementation experience & knowledge, any questions on this product or others? Don't hesitate to ask by leaving a comment below or sending a private message. ____________________________________ Strom Sports brings you their unique protein powder "VelosiWhey" which compromises of an 80% - 20% Whey and Casein blend along with 2.4g of patented Velositol per 30g serving. Velositol is a patented ingredient that, when used with protein is designed to accelerate and boost muscle protein synthesis (MPS), a key to enhanced muscle growth, lean body mass, and quicker muscle recovery. Velositol also enhances insulinogenic function, which increases amino acid uptake providing fuel for working muscles, so you get the most out of your workout, even after your workout.

    1 year ago 0 comments
  • CNP Full Tilt High Stim Performance Pre Workout - Low Market Pricing Incl. Shipping

    3 Please leave a comment or private message on flavour of interest to check availability before purchase: BubbleGuns (Kiwi, Raspberry & Lemon) Sour Saucers (Lemon Rainbow Sherbet) Razz Riptide (Blue Raspberry) 30 Servings ____________________________________ Pricing includes 1 - 2 days free shipping throughout the Republic of Ireland with full tracking provided. As shipping is included in all products available through adverts, multiple products can be purchased and shipped all together under one shipping cost. *Please note, products are available only for direct shipping. 10+ years of supplementation experience & knowledge, any questions on this product or others? Don't hesitate to ask by leaving a comment below or sending a private message. ____________________________________ Full Tilt was formulated to provide you with a channelled, synergistic blend of stimulant and performance enhancing ingredients geared to maximise your training to provide you with complete focus and energy. It is highly suitable to individuals tolerant to higher stimulant based pre workouts at a full dosage and for training sessions that require less focus on solely "chasing the pump" but more focus on volume through strength training for example. On the stimulant side of the panel Full Tilt EU formula provides you with a high total of 400mg from: 298mg Caffeine Anhydrous 134mg Infinergy Di Caffeine Malate (100mg Caffeine) 100mg Green Coffee Extract 100mg Theacrine 400mg Juniper Berry Extract which has been shown to aid in the uptake and effectiveness of caffeine in the body amongst having many anti inflammatory and anti oxidant properties On the performance side of the panel Fully Tilt EU formula provides you with: 3.2g Beta Alanine being a standard clinical dose 3g Creatine Monohydrate On the absorption side of the panel Full Tilt EU formula provides you with: Astragin BioPerine

    1 year ago 0 comments
  • Alpha Lion Superhuman Supreme Pre Workout - Premium Product - Lowest Market Pricing Incl. Shipping

    3 Hulk Juice (Sour Gummy Bear) 42/21 Servings ____________________________________ Lowest market pricing in Ireland to clear excess stock Normal retail pricing 45+ excl. shipping. ____________________________________ Pricing includes 1 - 2 days free shipping throughout the Republic of Ireland with full tracking provided. As shipping is included in all products available through adverts, multiple products can be purchased and shipped all together under one shipping cost. *Please note, products are available only for direct shipping. 10+ years of supplementation experience & knowledge, any questions on this product or others? Don't hesitate to ask by leaving a comment below or sending a private message. ____________________________________ SUPERHUMAN SUPREME brings the supreme to pre workouts! Formulated with each scoop providing 17 grams of premium ingredients, there's a reason why it is one of the most highly rated pre workouts on the market, especially for those individuals who love a longer lasting, more euphoric pre workout experience. It's loaded with Nitric Oxide precursors to enhance better blood flow aka "pump" through the vasodilation of the blood vessels, an already natural process in the body along with "osmolytes" for further intracellular hydration and muscular fullness, performance, focus and energy ingredients that, most importantly, work synergistically without a post workout crash. *Suitable for experienced pre workout users when using a full serving

    1 year ago 4 comments
  • CNP Whey Isolate - Low Market Pricing Incl. Shipping

    3 Please leave a comment or private message on flavour of interest to check availability before purchase: Chocolate Cereal Milk Salted Caramel 30 Servings BBE June/July '23 ____________________________________ Lowest market pricing in Ireland especially relating to increases in whey protein. Normal retail pricing 35+ excl. shipping. ____________________________________ Pricing includes 1 - 2 days free shipping throughout the Republic of Ireland with full tracking provided. As shipping is included in all products available through adverts, multiple products can be purchased and shipped all together under one shipping cost. *Please note, products are available only for direct shipping. 10+ years of supplementation experience & knowledge, any questions on this product or others? Don't hesitate to ask by leaving a comment below or sending a private message. ____________________________________ CNP Isolate is simply more than a Whey Protein Isolate.. it is a High Quality Whey Protein Isolate Formulated and manufactured in house, CNP Isolate has a 96% WPI purity delivering 26g with zero sugars, minimal fat content and Astragin, which works to enhance bioavailability and drastically increase the absorption of ingredients such as Amino Acids. Astragin also promotes healthy gut lining and tight junction functioning, ultimately leading to associated effects like reduced inflammation in the intestinal lining. It's easy to put "premium" on a product and pass it off as that in the industry when in fact it may be mere average or less, but CNP make sure a product of that description lives up to it Delivers 26g of pure whey protein isolate per serving Zero Sugars per serving Only 0.3g Fat per serving High in Leucine & Glutamine Microfiltered to purity (96% WPI) Premium formula created for easy digestion

    1 year ago 3 comments
  • Efectiv Nutrition Efectiv Whey - Low Market Pricing Incl. Shipping

    3 Please leave a comment or private message on flavour of interest to check availability before purchase: Choco Bueno Chocolate Orange Strawberry Creme Vanilla Cheesecake 67 Servings ____________________________________ Pricing includes 1 - 2 days free shipping throughout the Republic of Ireland with full tracking provided. As shipping is included in all products available through adverts, multiple products can be purchased and shipped all together under one shipping cost. *Please note, products are available only for direct shipping. 10+ years of supplementation experience & knowledge, any questions on this product or others? Don't hesitate to ask by leaving a comment below or sending a private message. ____________________________________ Efectiv Whey delivers an advanced protein complex consisting of primarily highly bioavailable whey protein and milk proteins. Each serving provides the essential building blocks, amino acids and protein necessary to help support the growth and maintenance of lean muscle. Whether you mix with water, milk, your favourite beverage or even in oats & yogurt, Efectiv Whey has been developed to mix instantly and smoothly, ensuring it reduces any potential digestion problems associated with other inferior protein products. Efectiv uses only the latest flavour technologies to ensure you enjoy every delicious mouthful.

    1 year ago 0 comments
  • Olympus Lyfestyle EAA Drip - Premium Product - Last Stock & Lowest Market Pricing Incl. Shipping

    3 Please leave a comment or private message on flavour of interest to check availability before purchase: Pineapple Lemon and Lime 60/30 Servings ____________________________________ Lowest market pricing in Ireland to clear excess stock with the only product stock in Ireland ____________________________________ Pricing includes 1 - 2 days free shipping throughout the Republic of Ireland with full tracking provided. As shipping is included in all products available through adverts, multiple products can be purchased and shipped all together under one shipping cost. *Please note, products are available only for direct shipping. 10+ years of supplementation experience & knowledge, any questions on this product or others? Don't hesitate to ask by leaving a comment below or sending a private message. ____________________________________ Olympus Lyfestyle introduces this revolutionary formula, which is powered by the patented ingredients 100% Vegan sourced Amino9 Essential Amino Acids and Astragin at full clinical dosages to help with ingredient uptake & utilisation through improved absorption. EAA Drip features a blend of fully dosed Essential Amino Acids in which include Branched Chain Amino Acids Leucine, Isoleucine & Valine, vital building blocks for muscle growth and repair along with absorption enhancement through Astragin

    1 year ago 0 comments
  • CNP Loaded EAA - Low Market Pricing Incl. Shipping

    3 Please leave a comment or private message on flavour of interest to check availability before purchase: Big Juicy Melons Grape Gazillions Strawberry Laces (Original Black Packaging) Cherry Cola Bottles (Original Black Packaging) 30 Servings ____________________________________ Pricing includes 1 - 2 days free shipping throughout the Republic of Ireland with full tracking provided. As shipping is included in all products available through adverts, multiple products can be purchased and shipped all together under one shipping cost. *Please note, products are available only for direct shipping. 10+ years of supplementation experience & knowledge, any questions on this product or others? Don't hesitate to ask by leaving a comment below or sending a private message. ____________________________________ CNP Loaded EAA are a simple, but fantastic EAA providing 7.5 grams of Essential Amino Acids with 3 grams of Leucine along with the addition of Astragin and BioPerine which work to enhance bioavailability and drastically increase the absorption of ingredients such as Amino Acids. Astragin also promotes healthy gut lining and tight junction functioning, ultimately leading to associated effects like reduced inflammation in the intestinal lining. When it comes to both the candy shop flavours and the cost price especially for an EAA product. When all the Essential Amino Acids are present it makes a complete source of protein.

    1 year ago 1 comments
  • Kodiak Ammo Premium BCAA - Last Limited Edition US Flavours & Lowest Market Pricing Incl. Shipping

    3 Please leave a comment or private message on flavour of interest to check availability before purchase: Starpunch (Pink Starburst) Pineapple Splash Rainbow Fruit 30 Servings ____________________________________ Lowest market pricing in Ireland to clear excess stock with the only limited edition product flavours in Ireland ____________________________________ Pricing includes 1 - 2 days free shipping throughout the Republic of Ireland with full tracking provided. As shipping is included in all products available through adverts, multiple products can be purchased and shipped all together under one shipping cost. *Please note, products are available only for direct shipping. 10+ years of supplementation experience & knowledge, any questions on this product or others? Don't hesitate to ask by leaving a comment below or sending a private message. ____________________________________ Kodiak Ammo is a Branched Chain Amino Acid (BCAA) powerhouse that was developed to address the nutritional opportunity between pre workout and post workout, commonly referred to as the intra workout period, when critical nutrients are needed to fuel performance, blunt fatigue and accelerate recovery. Kodiak took Ammos formula one step further by adding other ingredients, such as glutamine, citrulline, PepForm peptides and electrolytes that have been scientifically proven to accelerate recovery, replenish energy stores, improve the absorption of amino acids, and keep you hydrated during your workouts. 2:1:1 BCAA Supports Muscle Growth & Recovery Blunts Muscular Fatigue & Inhibits Protein Breakdown Hydrating Electrolyte Blend Delicious Flavours *Musclesport has acquired Kodiak Supps *See the MuscleSport BCAA Revolution also available

    1 year ago 0 comments
  • Mutant Madness Pre Workout & BCAA 9.7 Duo Bundle Incl. Shipping

    3 Mutant Madness Pre Workout: Roadside Lemonade Mutant BCAA 9.7: Fuzzy Peach 30 Servings Each ____________________________________ Lowest market pricing in Ireland to clear excess stock ____________________________________ Pricing includes 1 - 2 days free shipping throughout the Republic of Ireland with full tracking provided. As shipping is included in all products available through adverts, multiple products can be purchased and shipped all together under one shipping cost. *Please note, products are available only for direct shipping. 10+ years of supplementation experience & knowledge, any questions on this product or others? Don't hesitate to ask by leaving a comment below or sending a private message. ____________________________________ This Duo Stack includes the Mutant Madness Pre Workout and the BCAA 9.7 Branched Chain Amino Acids.

    1 year ago 0 comments
  • MuscleSport BCAA Revolution - Premium Product - Last Limited Edition US Flavours & Lowest Market Pricing Incl. Shipping

    3 Please leave a comment or private message on flavour of interest to check availability before purchase: Pineapple Cooler Baja Splash Rainbow Candy 30 Servings ____________________________________ Lowest market pricing in Ireland to clear excess stock with the only limited edition product flavours in Ireland ____________________________________ Pricing includes 1 - 2 days free shipping throughout the Republic of Ireland with full tracking provided. As shipping is included in all products available through adverts, multiple products can be purchased and shipped all together under one shipping cost. *Please note, products are available only for direct shipping. 10+ years of supplementation experience & knowledge, any questions on this product or others? Don't hesitate to ask by leaving a comment below or sending a private message. ____________________________________ BCAA Revolution is a leucine-loaded and glutamine-fortified amino acid powerhouse! At a 10:1:1 ratio, the most important amino acid necessary for muscle growth, leucine, is packed into each scoop to optimize the anabolic environment of your muscles! Add in the most ubiquitously used amino acid, glutamine and youll be able to recover from even the most intense training sessions. Branched Chain Amino Acids The BCAAs are the functional components of protein the reason protein builds muscle. Isolating them gives you all the anabolic power without the calories while reducing gastrointestinal stress. Glutamine Peptides Glutamine is used in numerous bodily processes, including muscle anabolism, gluconeogenesis, nutrient absorption, and immunity. HICA-DL Hydroxyisocaproic acid, a leucine metabolite. Leucine is so powerful, it keeps working even after being broken down to HICA. HICA primarily functions to reduce muscle breakdown. Electrolyte Replenishment Matrix Electrolytes are essential for energy production and preventing muscle cramps by promoting hydration.

    1 year ago 0 comments
  • Rule 1 Whey Protein 900g - Limited Stock & Lowest Market Pricing Incl. Shipping

    3 Please leave a comment or private message on flavour of interest to check availability before purchase: Mint Chocolate Chip (Chocolate Mint) Birthday Cake 28 Servings ____________________________________ Lowest market pricing in Ireland to clear excess stock Normal retail pricing 35+ excl. shipping. ____________________________________ Pricing includes 1 - 2 days free shipping throughout the Republic of Ireland with full tracking provided. As shipping is included in all products available through adverts, multiple products can be purchased and shipped all together under one shipping cost. *Please note, products are available only for direct shipping. 10+ years of supplementation experience & knowledge, any questions on this product or others? Don't hesitate to ask by leaving a comment below or sending a private message. ____________________________________ Rule 1 protein offers a three whey blend formula which provides the perfect mix of nutritional quality and great taste. Made with 100% Whey Protein from whey concentrates, isolates and hydrolysates, each tub contains 28 servings with each scoop providing 24 grams of protein packed with naturally occurring EAAs, BCAAs and glutamine. Factor in great mixability and zero creamers, its clear that R1 Whey Blend is an overachiever in every way except price being the best bang for your buck. Since day one, Rule 1 Proteins has proven that exceptional quality and superior value arent mutually exclusive. They develop their own products, source the nest ingredients and manufacture them in a FDA-inspected, NSF/GMP-compliant and Informed-Choice certied facility. Streamlining and tightly controlling every phase of the process, from start to nish, enables them to offer premium products without the premium price.

    1 year ago 3 comments
  • Redcon1 Total War All-In-One Pre Workout - Limited US Formula & Lowest Market Pricing Incl. Shipping

    3 Orange Crush 30 servings Lowest market pricing in Ireland to clear excess stock Normal retail pricing 30 - 35 excl. shipping. ____________________________________ Pricing includes 1 - 2 days free shipping throughout the Republic of Ireland with full tracking provided. As shipping is included in all products available through adverts, multiple products can be purchased and shipped all together under one shipping cost. *Please note, products are available only for direct shipping. 10+ years of supplementation experience & knowledge, any questions on this product or others? Don't hesitate to ask by leaving a comment below or sending a private message. ____________________________________ One of the fastest growing and leading sports supplement brands in the industry, Redcon1's Total War packs a powerful combination of Stimulants and Focus Factors along with Nitric Oxide compounds that makes Total War an all-in-one go to pre workout supplement.

    1 year ago 2 comments