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Hole cutters

Hole cutters
Asking price: €200
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9 years ago
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Hole cutters


Condition: New

16no..Starrett brand, new, Boxed (except 1no unboxed),Hole cutters. comprising, ,,1no 3in1/2 (89), 2no 2in1/2 (64),
1no 2in1/8 (54), 1no 2in(51) 2no 1in1/2 (38)1no 1in5/8 (41), 1no 1in1/4 (32),2no 1in1/8 (29) 1no 1in(25)
1no 7/8in(22), 2no 25/32in(20) 1no 5/8in(16).

8no, Starrett brand, (little used, Boxed, except 1no unboxed), comprising, ,,1each of, ,, 2in1/8 (54), 1in3/4 (44), 1in3/8 (35), 1in1/4 (32), 1in1/8 (29), 1in(25) ,7/8in(22), 3/4in(19)

1no. Lenox brand, 2in1/8 (54), used but in serviceable condition.

1no Lenox arbor,with pilot drill, suits from 30mm upwards.
1no Starrett A1 arbor,with pilot drill, 6.5mm, suits 14 to 30mm.(9/16 -1in3/16)

Price now reduced. Offers considered

For Sale as 1 collection.

Shipping: CollectionPost/CourierTo be arranged
Payment: CashPaypal
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