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RICK WAKEMAN No Earthly Connection A&M 1976 LP

RICK WAKEMAN No Earthly Connection A&M 1976 LP
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RICK WAKEMAN No Earthly Connection A&M 1976 LP


P+P €6

Made in Germany

Label: A&M 27 373 XOT

Released 1976

Record: VG+
Cover: VG+

Inner Sleve has splitting at bottom

No Earthly Connection is a 1976 progressive rock concept album by Rick Wakeman. It was recorded in France for tax purposes.

The LP record's sleeve attributes the album to Rick Wakeman and the English Rock Ensemble. In addition to Wakeman with his wide variety of keyboard instruments, including harpsichords, Mellotrons, Moog synthesizers, organs, and pianos, musicians on the album are vocalist Ashley Holt, Roger Newell (bass guitar and vocals), John Dunsterville (guitars, mandolin, and vocals), Tony Fernandez (drums and percussion), Martyn Shields (trumpet, French horn, and vocals), and Reg Brooks (trombone and vocals).


Music Reincarnate (20:24)
A1 Part I: The Warning
A2 Part II: The Maker
A3 Part III: The Spaceman
A4 Part IV: The Realisation
B1 Part V: The Reaper 7:34
B2 The Prisoner 7:00
B3 The Lost Cycle 7:00

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