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Chrosziel 15mm Fluid Zoom Lens Damper Drive

Chrosziel 15mm Fluid Zoom Lens Damper Drive
Asking price: €180
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2 years ago
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Chrosziel 15mm Fluid Zoom Lens Damper Drive


For sale is an Alfred Chrosziel fluid zoom lens damper that is designed to help smooth out the bumps when zooming (or even focussing) by hand.

I also get the impression that people have converted these to use specifically as a follow focus but don't ask me how.

The device mounts on 15mm accessory bars. The tightening knob is slightly damaged from an idiot with a vice grips. See photos.

This is a useful addition to anyone's DSLR or digital cinema camera kit. Any system with standard pitch gears on the lenses can use this device. As this is a lens device, the type of camera, Canon, Nikon, ARRI or RED doesn't matter.

I've already checked eBay etc. New, this item is around $1000 plus shipping and taxes. Also, a bloke in England has sold three for between £320 - £350 sterling. My asking price is fair but I'm still open to reasonable offers.

I will also consider swaps for Minolta or Sony camera gear (including Sigma lenses with the appropriate mount) or certain Apple devices but not phones!

Shipping: Collection
Payment: Cash
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