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Audi 1.9tdi 2.0tdi diesel engine oil sump with oil level sender a4 a6 vw skoda seat AWX AVF BRB BKE BLB BRE BRD all engine parts EGR cooler breaking

Audi 1.9tdi 2.0tdi diesel engine oil sump with oil level sender a4 a6 vw skoda seat AWX AVF BRB BKE BLB BRE BRD all engine parts EGR cooler breaking
Asking price: €3
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Cloud Ltd
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2 years ago
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Audi 1.9tdi 2.0tdi diesel engine oil sump with oil level sender a4 a6 vw skoda seat AWX AVF BRB BKE BLB BRE BRD all engine parts EGR cooler breaking


For sale Genuine audi 1.9tdi 2.0tdi engine oil sump with the oil level sender. Good working order.
All 1.9TDI AWX AVF / 2.0tdi BLB BRE BRD engine parts available. Injectors, complete head with the camshafts oil pump, balancer shaft, starter motor, alternator, EGR cooler etc...
Registered Postage available at buyers expense.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.
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Shipping: CollectionDeliveryPost/CourierTo be arranged
Payment: CashPaypalBank transferTo be arranged
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Comments & Offers
corollavanman 10 months ago
Do you have a good 1.9 camshaft and a few followers by any chance and how much posted to kerry
Cloud Ltd 10 months ago
@corollavanman full engine still available

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