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_Desk, Table, with Drawer and Storage Cupboard, for Office, Living Room, Bedroom, Simple Assembly, Metal, Industrial Style, Rustic Brown

_Desk, Table, with Drawer and Storage Cupboard, for Office, Living Room, Bedroom, Simple Assembly, Metal, Industrial Style, Rustic Brown
€185 Message
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Rondon Studios
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_Desk, Table, with Drawer and Storage Cupboard, for Office, Living Room, Bedroom, Simple Assembly, Metal, Industrial Style, Rustic Brown


Condition: New

At the office or at home: Whether you are a student who needs to revise for an exam or a freelance worker from home, equip yourself with this industrial-style desk to dramatically increase your productivity
No more clutter: If you can't find your important papers in your three-foot-tall stacks of files and your coffee mug has left stains on your report, then it's high time you got a desk with a drawer and a closet! You can store all your important documents in an orderly way
More space, more productivity: This desk has a large 130 x 55 cm rustic brown table top that offers enough space for 2 computers, allowing you to simultaneously chat with your customers and check the numbers
Get to work: With clear assembly steps and easy-to-follow instructions, this desk can be set up in no time, so you can get back to work quickly
Decoration idea: Embellish your interior now with this design and practical desk from the VINCYER series!

Shipping: Ireland: FreeEurope: FreeRest of world: Free
Payment: PaypalCard
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_Desk, Table, with Drawer and Storage Cupboard, for Office, Living Room, Bedroom, Simple Assembly, Metal, Industrial Style, Rustic Brown

_Desk, Table, with Drawer and Storage Cupboard, for Office, Living Room, Bedroom, Simple Assembly, Metal, Industrial Style, Rustic Brown

€185.00 Message
5 Available
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  • Paypal

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