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Moshi Zefyr 2 MacBook Air & MacBook Pro Cooler

Moshi Zefyr 2 MacBook Air & MacBook Pro Cooler
Asking price: €35
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Moshi Zefyr 2 MacBook Air & MacBook Pro Cooler


Moshi Zefyr 2 High-efficiency MacBook Cooler

Helps Achieve Optimum System Performance

Dual 3 Speed Fan Cooling System

Twin Convection Funnels

Durable Aircraft-grade Aluminum

Compact Folding Design6

Elevated/Angled Ergonomic Design

USB Powered

Compatible with 13 to 17" MacBooks


The Zefyr 2 High-efficiency MacBook Cooler by Moshiis a thermal management solution offering a comfortable and cool computing experience for your MacBook. Keeping your computer cool enables it to achieve optimal performance and speed. When portable computers continuously process information they have a tendency to become over-heated which leads to CPU throttling. This causes even the best computers to underperform.

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Payment: Cash
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