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Medal of the 30th anniversary of the Polish Communism Era

Medal of the 30th anniversary of the Polish Communism Era
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Medal of the 30th anniversary of the Polish Communism Era


Medal of the 30th anniversary of the Polish Communism Era

Obverse and reverse

Established - February 7th, 1974

Decommissioned - October 16th, 1992

Size diameter - 32 mm

Released quantities - 229,049

Below - Medal of the 30th anniversary of the Polish Communism Era

Designer - Edward Gorol

The Medal of the 30th Anniversary of the Polish Communism Era was a Polish jubilee civil state decoration of the Republic of Poland during Communism Era.

The medal of the 30th anniversary of the Polish Communism Era was established by the decree of the State Council on February 7th, 1974 to commemorate the thirtieth anniversary of the establishment of the Communism in Poland, "expressing recognition for the contribution of working people to socialist construction and socio-economic development of the country."

The description of the badge and the rules for awarding were established by a resolution of the State Council of the same day. The decree establishing the withdrawal was adopted on October 16th, 1992.

The medal was awarded for at least 15 years of dedicated professional work during the 30th anniversary of the Polish State and distinguished by engaged social and political activity.

The medal was awarded once in 1974, starting on 22nd July by the Council of State.

Badge description

The badge of the Medal of the 30th anniversary of the Polish Communism State is a silver disc, with a diameter of 32 mm.

On the obverse in the centre of the medal there is a recessed square with rounded corners, on which there is a convex image of the state eagle.

On both sides of the shield there are convex dates: 1944 and 1974. Above the shield is placed the Roman numeral XXX, and under it the inscription PRL.

On the reverse of the medal in the middle there is an inscription in three lines STRUGGLE / WORK / SOCIALISM in the rim of a wreath of oak leaves.

The ribbon of the medal is 32 mm wide and is red, with shades of red brightening towards the edges of the ribbon.

The medal was worn on the left side of the chest in order after the medal "Meritorious on the Field of Glory".

The designer of the medal was Edward Gorol

Please note:
This is a private sale and not a commercial transaction, unfortunately I have to exclude any warranty, liability, as well as return of the item according to today's law!

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