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Vintage Fisher Price Children's Hospital

Vintage Fisher Price Children's Hospital
Asking price: €110
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Vintage Fisher Price Children's Hospital


Vintage Retro Fisher Price Children's Hospital from the 1970s. Rare find.

This beautiful toy folds up neatly. The lift can be controlled by a lever on side and is in working order. The garage door at back to let ambulance in is in working order. The only damage is to the mattresses on 2 beds due to age and use. The back of roof is warped to the left and there is no bed screen. Apart from these all is in great condition. This is a beautiful ordinal toy.


1. Ambulance
2. Stretcher
3. 2 beds
4. Sink
5. Operating table
6. X-ray machine
7. Weighing scales
8. 2 chairs
9. Cradle for baby
10. Wheelchair
12. Mom, dad, girl, baby, nurse. 2 doctors.

See photos. No swaps. No PayPal. For collection. Please check my ads for more vintage Fisher Price toys.

Shipping: Collection
Payment: CashTo be arranged
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