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Kawasaki , Honda Suzuki Brake Pads

Kawasaki , Honda Suzuki Brake Pads
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Kawasaki , Honda Suzuki Brake Pads


Condition: New

Part no. Qf39-131. S. Fir. Mo fir-brand factory image racing

Brake pads mo mineral organic db2170-m [type fa131]

M? Compound. To complete the delta braking production program, we also produce a classical compound of mineral (organic) origin. A complete different technology. No sintering process. Available for older type motorcycles, and for customers, who want more economical brakepads. Also the m-1 compound has a tÜv approval.

Rear pads husqvaran, gas-gas, tm, atk, yamaha, suzuki, kawasaki, honda,

Honda dirt bike cr 80 r/rb expert 92-02 cr 85 r/85 r expert 03-07 cr 125 r 87-01 crf 230 l 08-10 crf 230 m 09-10 cr 250 r 87-01 xr 250 r 90-04 xr 250 l 91-96 xr 400 r 96-04 cr 500 r 87-01 xr 600 r 91-00 xr 650 l 93-10 xr 650 r 00-07 honda street bike dream 50 r (cb 50) (ar02) 04 nsr 50 r (rs 50) 04 nsf 100 r 06

Kawasaki dirt bike kx 125 k2/k3/k4/k5/l1/l2/l3/l4/m1/m2/m3 95-05 klx 250 s (klx 250 h6f/h7f) 06-07 klx 250 s (klx 250 t9f/waf) 09-10 klx 250 sf (klx 250 w9f/taf) supermotard 09-10 kx 250 k2/k3/k4/k5/l1/l2/l3/l4/m1/m2/r1 95-05 kx 250 r6f/r7f 06 klx 300 r a2-a10/a6f/a7f 97-06 klx 400 sr (klx 400 a1/a2) 03-04 klx 400 r (klx 400 b1/b2) 03-04 kx 500 e8-e16 96-04 klx 650 r d1 96

Suzuki dirt bike rm 125 t/v/w/x/k1/k2/k3/k4/k5/k6/k7/k8 96-08 rm 250 t/v/w/x/k1/k2/k3/k4/k5/k6/k7/k8 96-08 rmx 250 x/y 99-00 dr-z 400 sy/sk1/sk2/sk3/sk4/sk5/sk6 /sk7/sk8/sk9/sml0 00-10 dr-z 400 ey/y/ek1/ek2/k2/k3/ek3/k4/ek4/ek5/ek6/ek7 00 -07 dr-z 400 smk5/smk6/smk7/smk8/smk9 05-09

Yamaha dirt bike yz 125 k/l/m/n/p 98-02 wr 250 fn/fp 01-02 yz 250 k/l/m/n/p/fn/fp 98-02 wr 400 fl/fm 99-00 yz 400 fl 99 yz 426 fm/fn/fp 00-02 wr 426 fn/fp 01-02

Atk motard 450 07

T. M. Mx 85 jr (2t) 04-08 mx models 125/250/300 02-08 smr 125 (2t) 05-08 mx 144 (2t) 07-08 mx 450 f 04-08 smr 450 f es (4t) 05 -08 smx 450 f competition (4t) 05-08 mx 530 f (4t) 04-08 smx 530 f competition 05-08 smr 530 f es (4t) 05-08 smx 660 f 04 en 125 (2t) 01-08 en 250 (2t) 01-03 en 250 f-es (4t) 04-08 en 300 (2t) 01-08 en 450 f-es (4t) 04-08 en 530 f-es (4t) 04-08

Gas-gas enduro ec 200/250/300 99-00 ec 125/200/250/300 01-09 mc 125 05 mc 125/250 01-04 pampera 125/450 05-06 sm 125/250 (2t) 01-05 mx 200/250/300 99-00 sm 400 fse (2t) 01-02 ec 450 09 fse 450 05-08 sm 450 03-05 ec 515 09

Husqvarna wxe 125 07

Cross reference numbers. Fa131, dp815, sbs 604, vesrah vd144 vd-144, ferodo fdb539, 06435 kcz 000, 06435 gt4 405, 43080 0090, 43105 gt4 004a, 43105 gw2 004a, 43105 ks6 701a, 43105 ks6 702a, 43106 gt4 004b, 43106 gw2 004b, 43106 ks6 701b, 43106 ks6 702b, 43082 0006, 43082 1173, 43082 1292, 43082 s010, 43082 s012, 5dh w0046 00, 5mv w0046 00, 69100 36820, 69100 36830, 69100 36840, 69100 36850, 69100 36860, 69100 36870, 69100 37810, 69100 37830,

Shipping: Collection: FreeIreland: €6Europe: €10
Payment: PaypalCard
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Kawasaki , Honda Suzuki Brake Pads

Kawasaki , Honda Suzuki Brake Pads

€18.00 Message
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