New stock. Wire runs secure. Two sizes / types. Both secure. Lockable.
Size one; 6 ft long x 2. 5 ft wide x 2. 5 ft high. Or 72" long x 30" wide x 30" high.
Pitched apex ridged roof.
Strong wire not chicken wire. Suitable for hens, rabbits, etc.
One side lockable door size; 12" x 11". Strong metal cage.
Easy to assemble. Sun / rain shade, roof part cover.
Price only 90 euro. For one including free delivery.
Buy two complete runs for only 170 euro. Delivered.
Two, can be joined side by side. Or end to end.
Size two; 7ft. Long x 4ft. Wide x 2ft. High. Or 216cm long x 116cm wide x 65 cm high.
Chrome plated secure metal. Lattice flat roof.
4 cage openings. Sun / rain part roof cover.
Easy to assemble clip together and to move around garden.
Price for one 135 euro each. Or two for 250 euro.
Prices include free secure courier delivery.
Lifter jack, ride on mower, quad. Servicing / cleaning. 95e + 10e. Delivery.
Breed: Other