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1929-1995 Ireland Commemorative incl sheetlets & 1968-1995 Definitive (inc Gerl series, Architecture & Treasures inc Enschede) Stamp Collection in Davo Album. (shown in 95 images)

1929-1995 Ireland Commemorative incl sheetlets & 1968-1995 Definitive (inc Gerl series, Architecture & Treasures inc Enschede) Stamp Collection in Davo Album. (shown in 95 images)
Asking price: €1,200
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1929-1995 Ireland Commemorative incl sheetlets & 1968-1995 Definitive (inc Gerl series, Architecture & Treasures inc Enschede) Stamp Collection in Davo Album. (shown in 95 images)


Condition: New

1929-1995 Ireland Commemorative incl sheetlets & 1968-1995 Definitive (inc Gerl series, Architecture & Treasures inc Enschede) Stamp Collection in Davo Album Mint Never Hinged. Note there is no miniature sheets.

Please note that I haven't checked all stamps but those I have have been mint never hinged

2020 Hibernian Catalogue in excess of €1700 plus cost of album

Commemoratives include
1929 Daniel O'Connell
1930 Shannon Scheme
1931 Royal Dublin Society
1932 Eucharistic Congress
1933 Holy Year
1934 Gaelic Athletic Association
1937 Constitution of Ireland
1938 Fr. Matthew, Temperance Crusade
1939 U.S. Constitution, 150th Anniversary
1941 Rising Overprint
1941 Rising Pictorial
1943 Gaelic League
1943 Rowan Hamilton
1944 Michael O'Cleary
1944 Brother Rice
1945 Thomas Davis
1946 Davitt & Parnell
1948 1798 Insurrection
1949 Republic of Ireland
1949 Mangan
1950 Holy Year
1952 Thomas Moore
1953 An Tostal
1953 Robert Emmet
1954 Marian Year
1954 Cardinal Newman
1956 John Barry
1957 John Redmond
1957 Thomas O'Crohan
1957 William Brown
1957 Luke Wadding
1958 Thomas J. Clarke
1958 Mark Aikenhead
1958 Constitution
1959 Arthur Guinness
1960 Refugee Year
1960 Europa
1961 Aer Lingus
1961 St.Patrick
1962 O'Donovan/O'Curry
1962 Europa
1963 Freedom From Hunger
1963 Europa (CEPT)
1963 Red Cross Centenary
1964 Bi-Centenary of the Birth of Wolfe Tone (Patriot)
1964 New York World Fair
1964 Europa (CEPT)
1965 Centenary International Telecommunications Union
1965 Centenary of the Birth of William Butler Yeats
1965 International Co-operation Year. 20th Anniversary of the UNO.
1965 Europa (CEPT)
1966 Easter Rising (50th Anniversary)
1966 50th Anniversary of the Death of Roger Casement
1966 Europa (CEPT)
1966 Ballintubber Abbey
1967 Europa (CEPT)
1967 Canadian Confederation Centenary
1967 International Tourist Year
1967 Fenian Rising
1967 Tercentenary of the Birth of Dean Jonathon Swift
1968 Europa (CEPT)
1968 800th Anniversary of St. Marys Cathedral, Limerick
1968 Centenary of the Birth of Countess Markiewicz
1968 Centenary of the Birth of James Connolly
1968 International Human Rights Year
1969 50th Anniversary of the First Meeting of Dail Eireann
1969 Europa (CEPT)
1969 50th Anniversary of The International Labour Organisation
1969 Contemporary Irish Art: Staine Glass Church Windon by Evie Hone
1969 Centenary of the Birth of Mahatma Gandhi
1970 European Conservation Year
1970 Europa (CEPT)
1970 Royal Cork Yacht Club (250th Anniversary)
1970 Contemporary Irish Art : Painting by Manie Jellet
1970 50th Anniversary of the Death of Tomas MacCurtain and Terence MacSwiney"
1970 Kevin Barry (50th Aniversary of the death)
1971 Euorpa
1971 J.M Synge
1971 J.B. Yeats - Art
1971 Racial Equality Year
1971 Christmas
1971 Euorpa
1971 J.M Synge
1971 J.B. Yeats - Art
1971 Racial Equality Year
1971 Christmas
1972 World Health
1972 Europa
1972 Patriot Dead
1972 Irish Art
1972 Olympic Council
1972 Christmas
1972 Stamp Anniversary
1973 Irish Entry in EEC
1973 Europa
1973 Irish Art
1973 Meteorological
1973 Ploughing
1973 Christmas
1974 Lifeboat Institution
1974 Europa
1974 Oliver Goldsmith
1974 Irish Art
1974 Rugby Football
1974 UPU Centenery
1974 Christmas
1975 Womens Year
1975 Europa
1975 European Golf
1975 Irish Art
1975 Presentation Nuns
1975 Architecture
1975 Oliver Plunkett
1975 Christmas
1976 James Larkin
1976 Telephone
1976 US Bicentennial
1976 Europa
1976 Europa
1976 Irish Broadcasting
1976 Christmas
1977 Libary/Museum
1977 Europa
1977 Irish Art
1977 Scouting
1977 Anniversaries
1977 Golden Jubilees
1977 Christmas
1978 Transatlantic Flight
1978 Flowers
1978 Anniversaries/Events
1978 Irish Art
1978 Natural Gas
1978 Irish Coins
1978 Christmas
1978 Europa
1979 Events: Worlds Cross Country Championships. European Parliamentary Elections. Centenary of the Death of Sir Rowlad Hill
1979 Fauna & Flora: Birds
1979 International Year of the Child
1979 Papal Visit of Ireland
1979 Anniversaries: Arrival of St John of God. Energy Conservation .Irish Art
1979 Birth Centenary of Padraig Pearse
1979 Chriatms
1979 Europa
1980 Centenary of the Arrival of the DeLa Salle Brother s in Ireland
1980 Europa (Personalities) (George Bernard Shaw & Oscar Wilde)
1980 Fauna & Flora (Wildlife)
1980 Fauna & Flora (Wildlife) MS
1980 Irish Music & Dance
1980 Anniversaries: Birth Centenary of Sean O'Casey. Irish Art (Gold Painting No 57) Patrick Scott
1980 Christmas
1981 Science & Technology
1981 Europa: Folklore
1981 50th Anniversary of the Founding of An Oige
1981 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Jeremiah O'Donovan Rossa. Irish Art: Railway Embankment by WJ Leech
1981 150th anniversary of James Hoban (Architect of White House, USA)
1981 Horses
1981 Christmas
1981 Anniversaries: Land Law (Ireland) Act 1881. Royal Dublin Society 1731-1981
1982 Killarney Park
1982 800th anniversary of the Birth of St Francis of Assisi: 300th Anniversary of the Ordination of Francis McKemie
1982 Europa: Historical Events
1982 Irish Litery & Musical Figures
1982 Fauna & Flora: Fish
1982 Irish Boats
1982 Anniversaries: Bi-Centenary of Gratthan's Parliament. Centenary of the Birth of Eamon DeValera
1982 Christmas
1983 Bi-Centenaries: Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Bank of Ireland
1983 Centenaries: Birth of Padraig O'Siochfhradha: Founding of the Boy's Brigade
1983 Europa: Great Works of the The Human Genius
1983 Dogs
1983 Anniversaries: ISPCA. Sean MacDiarmada: ICC. The Society of St. Vincent DePaul; Andrew Jackson
1983 Wold Communication Year
1983 Irish Handcraft
1983 Christmas
1984 Railways
1984 Trees
1984 Medical
1984 Europa: CEPT: 25th Anniversary Logo
1984 European Elections
1984 John McCormack
1984 Olympic Games
1984 GAA
1984 Anniversaries
1984 Post Office
1984 Christmas
1985 Love
1985 Anniversaries : Bicentenaries of Dunsink Observatory, First Flight of an Irishman. Royal Irish Academy. 800th Anniversary of Cork City
1985 Fauna & Flora: Butterflies
1985 Europa: Irish Composers
1985 Music Year
1985 Anniversaries: Anniversary of First Irish UN Peace Keeping Force, Thomas Ashe & George Berkeley
1985 Youth Year
1985 Ireland Series - Industrial Innovation and Instituition of Engineers in Irealand
1985 Christmas
1986 Love
1986 Fauna & Flora: Ferns
1986 Europa Environmental Protection
1986 Aer Lingus
1986 Irish Waterways
1986 Maritime Anniversaries (Lighthouse & Ships)
1986 Anniversaries: Centenary of Dublin, Counsel of Trade Unions, "Woman in Society", Statement of Ireland (Arthur Griffith) and International Year of Peace
1986 Bicentenary of the Birth of Mulready & Charles Bianconi
1986 Christmas
1987 Love
1987 Trams
1987 Anniversaries
1987 Europa
1987 Catlle
1987 Festivals
1987 Anniversaries
1987 Christmas
1988 Love
1988 Dublin Millennium
1988 Australian Bicentennial
1988 Olympic Games
1988 Anniversaries
1988 Europa
1988 "Anniversaries:
150th of 1st Passenger Steamship Crossing"
1988 Fauna & Flora: Engangered Vegetation
1988 Security Forces
1988 "Anniversaries:
400th of Spanish Armada & Centenary of Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland"
1988 JF Kennedy
1988 Christmas
1989 Love
1989 Irish Motoring Classics
1989 Parks & Gardens
1989 Europa: Children's Games
1989 Anniversary of the Red Cross and Commemoration of the European Elections
1989 1300th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of Irish Missionaries to Germany (Franconian Apostles)
1989 Anniversaries: Statesmen of Ireland (Sean T O'Kelly); 140th of the Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland; 200th of the Mail Coach Service; Birth Centenary of Margaret Burke Sheridan (Opera Singer) and Pandit Nehru (Indian Statement)
1989 Commemorates Ireland's Entry in the Whitbread Round The World Race
1989 Fauna & Flora: Game Birds
1989 Christmas
1990 EC/Tourist Year
1990 Love
1990 Greetings
1990 Williamite War
1990 World Cup
1990 Stamp Anniversary
1990 Europa: Post Office Buidling
1990 Michael Collins
1990 Irish Missionaries
1990 Fauna & Flora
1990 Irish Theatre
1990 Christmas
1991 Love
1991 Early Bicycles
1991 1916 Rising
1991 Dublin 1991 European City of Culture
1991 Europa: Europe in Space
1991 300th Anniversary of Williamite Wars
1991 Irish Statesman: Birth Centenary of John Costello, Death Centneary of Charles Parnell & 200th Anniversary of the First Meeting of the United Irishmen
1991 Fauna & Flora: Irish Sheep
1991 Golf Commemorations
1991 Fishing Fleet
1991 Christmas
1992 Love
1992 Olympics
1992 Healthy Living Campaign
1992 Galway Chamber of Commerce
1992 Irish Maritime Heritage
1992 Greetings
1992 Europa: 500th Anniversary of Discover of Americas
1992 Irish in America (Se-Tenant)
1992 Wildlife: Endangered Specis Pine Marten
1992 Anniversaries: Bicentenary of the Publication of Maultons Views of Dublin and The 400th of the Founding of Trinity College
1992 Single European Market
1992 Irish Agriculture
1992 Christmas
1993 Love
1993 Irish Impressionism
1993 Orchids
1993 Europa: Contemporary Art
1993 Gaelic League
1993 Irish Amateur Swimming Association
1993 Anniversaries: 250th of the Royal Hospital, Donnybrook, 200th of St. Patrick's Collete Carolw, Operting of the Interpretative Centr; 150th of the death of Edward Bunting
1993 Buses
1993 Christmas
1994 Love
1994 Greetings
1994 Anniversaries
1994 Europa: St Brenda's Voyage
1994 75th Anniversary of The First Meeting of the Dail & The 4th Direct Elections of the European Parliamnet
1994 FIFA World Cup Football Championship USA
1994 Women's Hockey World Cup, Dublin & Centenary of Irish Ladies Hockey Union
1994 Fauna & Flora: Moths
1994 Moths Self-Adhesive
1994 Anniversaries; 800th of Drogheda. 150th death of Edmund Rice & 75th of Alcock and Brown's First Transatlantic Flight
1994 Impact of the Irish Abroad England: Edmund Burke & Eamonn Andrews
1994 Nobel Prize Winners: George Bernard Shaw (Pygmalion Poster), Samuel Beckett & shoes, Sean Macbride and doves & William B. Years and Poem
1994 Christmas
1995 Greetings Booklet Stamps
1995 Tree
1995 Narrow Gauge Railways
1995 World Cup Rugby Championship in South Africa
1995 Europa: Peace and Freedom
1995 Europa SA
1995 250th Anniversary of Battle of Fontenoy
1995 Army Uniforms
1995 Marconi Se-Tenant
1995 Anniversaries: 250th Anniversary of Rotunda Hospital, Centenary of Maynooth College, 50th Anniversary of the End of Second World, War and 150th Anniversary of Geological Survey
1995 Fauna & Flora: Reptiles and Amphibians
1995 Fauna & Flora: Reptiles and Amphibians SA
1995 Bicentenary of National Botanic Gardens
1995 50th Anniversary of United Nations
1995 Christmas

Happy to post at cost.

Payment by PayPal by family and friends. Otherwise will have to be shipped by registered post.

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