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1985 Isle of Man Century of Motoring Commemorative Stamp End blocks of 8 Mint Never Hinged (MNH)

1985 Isle of Man Century of Motoring Commemorative Stamp End blocks of 8 Mint Never Hinged (MNH)
Asking price: €7
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1985 Isle of Man Century of Motoring Commemorative Stamp End blocks of 8 Mint Never Hinged (MNH)


1985 Isle of Man Century of Motoring Commemorative Stamp End blocks of 8 Mint Never Hinged (MNH)

Issued 25th May 1885

Stamps depict
12p Charles Rolls in 20ho Roll-Royce Light Twenty Tourer (1906 Tourist Trophy Race)
12p W. Bentley in 3 litres Bentley (1922 Tourist Trophy Race)
14p F. Gerard in ERA (1950 British Empire Trophy Race)
14p Brian Lweis in Alfa Romeo (1934 Mannin Moar Race)
31p jagua XJ-SC (Road Open Car, 1984 Motorcycle Tourist TT Races)
31p Tony Pond and Mike Nicholson in Vauxhall Chevette (1981 Rothmans International Rally)

Stanley Gibbons: 290-5

Happy to post at cost.

Payment by PayPal by family and friends. Otherwise will have to be shipped by registered post.

Thanks for looking and maybe have a look at my other adds:

Shipping: CollectionDeliveryPost/CourierTo be arranged
Payment: CashPaypalBank transfer
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